Cameo’s mission is to create the most personalized and authentic fan connections on Earth.
We want Cameo to be welcoming, fun, and memorable for everyone involved. We’ve developed these Community Guidelines to help ensure that Cameo is a positive and safe experience for all the talent, fans, and businesses who use it.
Any of the behaviors listed below may result in Cameo taking action on your account or content, up to and including a permanent suspension of your account. Encouraging or assisting the violation of any of these Guidelines is also a violation of them.
We rely on both human review and automated screening to find potential violations of these Guidelines and our Terms of Service. Humans typically decide whether a violation has actually occurred and whether to take action on an account or content, although in extreme circumstances such as widespread fraud or security vulnerability we may take action based solely on automated screening.
If you have a concern about something on Cameo, including a violation of these Guidelines or our Terms of Service, please let us know by reporting the issue using the tools we provide in our product (typically by selecting the report option after a long-press on the content or from the "..." overflow menu adjacent to the content). To report an issue or misuse of a Business Cameo video, please use this form.
How We Enforce These Guidelines
When enforcing these Guidelines, we may consider multiple factors including the violation itself, the severity of the conduct, and the number of violations by the same user. We generally do not monitor off-platform behavior, but we may take it into account under some circumstances, for example if it provides context to behavior on Cameo or references Cameo while engaging in behavior that would violate these Guidelines. We may also consider off-platform behavior that is extreme, including membership in hate groups or terrorist organizations, sexual assault, or child abuse.
You agree to cooperate with investigations conducted by Cameo and promptly provide any information requested by Cameo. In some cases, we may determine that it is necessary to temporarily suspend a Cameo account while we are reviewing a possible violation and evaluating appropriate enforcement. Depending on the severity of the violation, Cameo may enforce these Guidelines by:
In limited circumstances, we may allow exceptions to our standard content removal policies -- for example, when we determine the material serves the public interest, such as content that is clearly satirical, scientific, or educational in nature.
If you believe that an enforcement decision against you was incorrect, you may request an appeal in writing to You must use the email address associated with the Cameo account connected to our decision and include detailed reasons why you believe the decision was incorrect. As with all other enforcement decisions, the granting of an appeal is at Cameo’s sole discretion, and these decisions are final and binding.
If we suspend your Cameo account for a specific period of time, you may request reinstatement after the suspension ends. Any request for reinstatement must be in writing and sent to from the email address associated with the suspended Cameo account. The request for reinstatement must include: (a) a description of why you would like to rejoin Cameo; (b) confirmation that you have read and will abide by Cameo’s Terms of Service, including these Community Guidelines; and (c) any other confirmations, acknowledgements or agreements that we request. A qualifying request does not guarantee reinstatement.
In the spirit of keeping Cameo safe and welcoming for all, you agree to cooperate with investigations conducted by Cameo and promptly provide any information requested by Cameo.
If your Cameo customer account is suspended or content that you booked is removed from our Site for violating these Guidelines or our Terms, Cameo may in its sole discretion issue a refund for impacted purchases. Absent exceptional circumstances, we will not refund the cost of videos that are misused or content that is sent or booked in contravention of these Guidelines or our Terms (for example, requests for hateful content or nudity) and will not refund funds held by third parties such as fees paid to Apple in connection with an in-app purchase. If your Talent account is suspended or Talent Content that you created is removed from our Site for violating these Guidelines or our Terms, Cameo may in its sole discretion withhold the corresponding funds from your current or future Cameo earnings.